Monday, June 29, 2009

DOW and TSX is having a good day at the market

We are having a good day at the market. DOW is up about 90 points. My stocks are still sliding without a clue. I am really confused what is going on with AIG, OPC, FNM, and TPUT. This is not really giving me a lot of confident. I am still very optimistic about AIG and FNM. I think it will pay off at the end of the day. OPC is another story, no news from the management which makes every one very uncomfortable. What is going on?

I wrapped up buying a Jeep (Patriot) for my wife. This is the first American brand new car that I bought. My logic is that help the local companies and help the local economy which will create jobs. I am happy about it. Hopefully, it will come here tomorrow.

Here is what is cooking around the globe:

- LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson's mother asked a Superior Court judge on Monday to name her administrator of her late son's estate so she can ensure the King of Pop's three children are its beneficiaries. The court filing states that Jackson's parents believe he died without a valid will.
Supporting Katherine Jackson in her petition bid to administer the estate was Jackson's father, Joe Jackson. The court documents state that Katherine Jackson "intends to marshal assets of the decedent for the exclusive use of the decedent's three children — her grand children — after payment of debts and expenses of administration."

- SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Oil prices settled above $71 a barrel Monday, as China said it would boost oil reserves and Nigerian militants partly shut down an offshore oil platform belonging to Royal Dutch Shell PLC. Benchmark crude for August delivery gained $2.33 to settle at $71.49 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Alaron Trading Corp. analyst Phil Flynn said China's plans to increase its strategic crude oil reserves by 60 percent should provide the market with some long-term support. Shell spokesman Precious Okolobo confirmed the Nigeria attack and partial shutdown. Previous militant attacks on infrastructure in the country's restive southern oil region have trimmed output in Africa's biggest crude producer by about 25 percent.

- TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras – Honduras' newly appointed leader vowed Monday to resist pressure from across the Americas to reinstate the president ousted in a military coup, as protesters burned tires outside the occupied presidential palace. Leaders from Hugo Chavez to Barack Obama called for the reinstatement of Manuel Zelaya, who was arrested in his pajamas Sunday morning by soldiers who stormed his residence and flew him into exile. Eight leftist countries pulled their ambassadors from Honduras.

- Historic swindler Bernard Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison Monday for a fraud so extensive that the judge said he needed to send a symbolic message to potential imitators and to victims who demanded harsh punishment. Scattered applause and whoops broke out in the crowded Manhattan courtroom after U.S. District Judge Denny Chin issued the maximum sentence to the 71-year-old defendant, who said he lives "in a tormented state now, knowing all the pain and suffering I've created."

- Iran's election oversight body on Monday declared the hotly disputed presidential vote to be valid after a partial recount, rejecting opposition allegations of fraud and further silencing calls for a new vote. State television reported that the Guardian Council presented the conclusion in a letter to the Interior Minister following a recount of was described as a randomly selected 10 percent of the almost 40 million ballots cast June 12. The "meticulous and comprehensive examination" revealed only "slight irregularities that are common to any election and needless of attention," Guardian Council head Ahmed Jannati said in a letter, according to the state TV channel IRIB.

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