Monday, June 15, 2009

Here we go again, Monday slide on the market.

I did not know what to expect while we approached Monday. DOW and TSX are sliding this morning. I just hope that I can make the right decision on the stuff that I acquire. I am still optimistic about the “Dark Horse” CEMJQ.
I am upbeat about the TPUT. I think it will be up while the stimulus package in effect in Canada and USA. I think it might be a very good buy in the long run.

I had a terrific weekend. We worked out, had company over for dinner. My wife did a wonderful job preparing dinner, and entertaining our guests.

Here are some issues:

- NEW YORK (AP) -- U.S. investors worried that a three-month surge in stocks has been overdone and sent share prices down sharply on Monday. The slide on U.S. markets followed steep drops in Europe and Asia as a stronger dollar pushed commodities and materials prices lower.

- COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Gas prices rose Monday for the 48th straight day, matching a record going back to at least the 1970s, with prices now up nearly two-thirds since the beginning of the year even as demand from motorists remains weak. Yet the oil prices that influence what you pay at the pump are taking a breather from a three-month rally, with benchmark crude for July delivery falling nearly 3 percent, or $2.07 to $69.97 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. On Friday, it fell 64 cents to settle at $72.0.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration will target critical weaknesses in the troubled U.S. financial system, such as thin bank capital cushions and eroded lending standards, when it proposes an overhaul of financial regulation this week, two senior officials said on Monday. In the fullest summary to date of the administration's reform proposal, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House economic adviser Lawrence Summers said the plan will also urge stronger consumer and investor protections and new powers for the Federal Reserve.

- ISLAMABAD – Police in Islamabad recently foiled plots to kidnap diplomats and carry out bombings in the Pakistani capital, the interior minister said Monday. Rehman Malik made clear that security in Islamabad, already tightened, must be improved even more, saying efforts were under way to recruit an additional 20,000 police to protect the city. His announcement at a ceremony for slain policemen came a day after Pakistan ordered its army to go after the country's top Taliban commander, a feared al-Qaida-allied militant whose remote stronghold could prove a difficult test for troops but whose demise would remove a major threat to the country's stability.
TEHRAN, Iran – Gunfire from a pro-government militia killed one man and wounded several others Monday after hundreds of thousands of chanting opponents of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad marched in central Tehran to support their pro-reform leader in his first public appearance since disputed elections. The outpouring in Azadi, or Freedom, Square for reformist leader Mir Hossein Mousavi followed a decision by Iran's most powerful figure for an investigation into the vote-rigging allegations. Security forces watched quietly, with shields and batons at their sides.

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